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Tanegységlista a 2018-tól felvetteknek
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Fontos általános tudnivalók: Azok a hallgatók, akik szeretnék felvenni a Bibliatudomány minort, de még nem tudták teljesíteni az előfeltételt (a Bibliaismeret tanegység elvégzését legalább jó osztályzattal), nyugodtan vegyék fel az adott tanévben meghirdetett kurzusainkat, mert utólagosan beszámítjuk őket, amikor majd (május-júniusban) hivatalosan is jelentkeznek a szakirányra. | A Neptun felületén a bibliatudományi kurzusok az „Információ” fül alatt legördülő legalsó, „Tárgy/kurzus lista” sorra kattintva érhetők el („Tárgynév”: BIB). | Az órák időpontjai többségükben rögzítve vannak, és megtalálhatók a kurzusok címe mellett!
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Rendkívüli előadások
2019. október 7. (16:30-17:30, F/217)
Hasznos Andrea (ELTE Egyiptológia Tanszék / Göttingeni Tudományos Akadémia)
"Új" kopt bibliai kézirattöredékek Berlinből
A Berlini Papiruszgyűjtemény Németország legjelentősebb gyűjteménye és a világ 5 legnagyobb kéziratgyűjteménye közé tartozik. Több tízezer kéziratot felölelő anyagának kb. a fele görög, a másik felén egyiptomi, arámi, héber, szír, perzsa, latin és arab kéziratok osztoznak. Ezen belül található egy nagyon szép, gazdag és a későókori irodalom szempontjából is jelentős kopt anyag, amelyben még mindig lappanganak feldolgozatlan, azonosítatlan, sőt, még leltári szám nélkül dobozokban lapuló töredékek is. Irodalmi és nem irodalmi kéziratok egyaránt vannak, és nem csak papiruszon! A Biblia kopt fordításai is igen érdekes formákban kerülnek elő, és mind nagyon fontosak a Biblia szöveghagyománya szempontjából, és konkrétan a kopt Ószövetség kutatása szempontjából, mert az még mindig nagyon "hiányos", kéziratai a világ számos gyűjteményében vannak szétszóródva, és még kritikai szövegkiadása sincs (csak egyes könyveknek).
Hasznos Andrea az ELTE BTK-n diplomázott 2000-ben angol bölcsész és egyiptológia szakon, három évet végzett az ógörög szakon. Doktori tanulmányait az ELTE Egyiptológia tanszékén, részben pedig a bonni egyetemen folytatta. Doktori fokozatát 2009-ben szerezte meg, dolgozata témája a görög nyelvi hatások vizsgálata a kopt nyelvben. Már PhD-sként is tartott órákat az Egyiptológia tanszéken, tudományos munkatársként dolgozott az Apor Vilmos Főiskolán, egy rövid ideig a Szépművészeti Múzeum Antik Gyűjteményénél, 2005-től pedig az ELTE foglalkoztatásában az Egyiptológia tanszéken, ahol kopt nyelvet, dialektusokat, szövegolvasásokat tart. Jelenleg a Berlini Papiruszgyűjteményben dolgozik a Göttingeni Tudományos akadémia foglalkoztatásában: a kopt, elsősorban irodalmi, kéziratok katalogizálása, online adatbázisba rendezése, a (meglehetősen nagy) feldolgozatlan anyag azonosítása, leírása a feladata.
2018. március 25. (12:00-13:30, F/234)
Martin Tscheu (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg)
Status and Function of the Levites in Ez 44,9-15 according to the different textual traditions of the Book of Ezekiel
The lecture explores the divergent roles, functions and assessments of the Levites, as found in the different textual traditions (mainly Vaticanus, Papyrus 967 and MT) in Ezek 44:9–15. It will be demonstrated that the LXX preserves an earlier stage in the textual history of this unit than the Masoretic version, while the latter represents indeed a Zadokite revision, as already established in research.
Martin Tscheu is a research associate for Prof. Dr. Stefan Schorch’s Samaritanusproject at the Institute of Biblical Studies, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. As a part of his doctoral thesis he pursues the intertextual references between the Pentateuch and the Book of Ezekiel, with a special focus on the textual tradition of the Septuagin
Organiser: The Biblical Studies program of the Institute of Ancient Studies, ELTE
Date and venue: March 25, 2019 (Mo), 12:00-13:30, 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/F, 234
2018. december 7. (10:00-11:30, F/234)
Dionisio Candido (Universität Salzburg)
A Necessary Evil. Place and development of Textual Criticism of the Old Testament among the Biblical Sciences
Every scholar, student or simple reader of the Bible has to deal with its text: no one can miss to read, study and understand it even in a modern translation. In this view the effort to establish the better text to translate into modern languages is a sort of necessary evil. This has been the traditional task of Textual Criticism. In the past it was considered among the biblical studies mainly as the science that could allow to reach and ascertain the original text of the Bible: then the true exegesis could begin. In the last two centuries this perspective has been considerably changed: deeper and more precise questions about the ancient texts and new discoveries of papyri and manuscripts have caused an unpredictable breakthrough. A great contribution has come from the discovery of the Dead Sea scrolls. So the question about the original text has been newly and differently posed. The ancient versions of the Old Testament (not only in Hebrew, but also in Greek, Latin, etc.) have been considered more and more in themselves: they are witnesses of different religious communities, that felt free to re-write the biblical texts according to their actual faith.
The lecture intends to offer some hints about the development of the Textual Criticism of the Old Testament. Some significant textual cases will help to appreciate the importance of this discipline. A particular attention will be given to the Vetus Latina as an interesting testimony of the Greek Bible in the first centuries of Latin Christianity, previous to Jerome’s Vulgate.
Dionisio Candido is now appointed at the Salzburg Universität (Faculty of Theology, Department of Biblical Sciences and History of the Church) as post-Doc researcher in Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible. He works with Prof. Dr. Kristin De Troyer on the Book of Esther in its Hebrew, Greek, Latin versions and in Flavius Josephus’ Antiquitates Judaicae. He got his PhD in Biblical Sciences at the Pontifical Biblical Institute of Rome, with a thesis focused on text-critical and theological issues concerning the Book of Esther. At the Hebrew University of Jerusalem he attended courses of Grammar and Exegesis of the Hebrew Bible. He teaches Biblical Exegesis of the Old Testament at Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose in Siracusa and at Studio Teologico in Catania (Italy); he is also visiting professor of Methodology and Textual Criticism of the Old Testament at Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem. On behalf of the Italian Bishops Conference he is responsible of the Biblical Apostolate.
Series Collegium trium linguarum Budapestinense
Venue: 1088 Budapest, Múzeum krt. 4/F, Room 234.
Facebook event:
2017. május 19. (10:00-11:30, F/218)
Seth A. Bledsoe (Humanities Initiative Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, CEU)
Wisdom for the “Troop of Assyria”: The Book of Ahiqar and the Judean Community of Elephantine in Achaemenid Egypt
The Book of Ahiqar comprises both the story about the trials suffered by a wise counselor in the Neo-Assyrian court and a lengthy set of his proverbial instructions. The oldest version of Ahiqar’s tale and wisdom comes from an unlikely place: among a horde of Aramaic documents found in the southern Nile-island settlement of Elephantine and dating to the 5th c. BCE. The vast majority of these documents belong to a community of Judeans who were living at Elephantine within a military colony under the auspices of the Achaemenid empire, which controlled Egypt (albeit tenuously) at that time. The Book of Ahiqar, however, has not adequately been assessed in light of its Elephantine provenance; instead, scholarship has largely focused on either biblical parallels (especially Proverbs) or historical investigations into its supposed “original” provenance, often based on the Neo-Assyrian setting of the story. After a brief survey of the text’s contents and its scholarly reception, this paper will correct some of the imbalance as it brings to light several points of contact between Ahiqar and the other Elephantine documents, with several notable parallels in expressions, themes, social values, and general outlook. Further, a brief analysis of the contours of the narrative discourse as well as the ethic of the proverbial sayings demonstrates that an interpretation of this literary text in situ can be more fruitful for understanding the nuances of a text that is fragmentary and often obscure in its idiom than previous scholars’ attempts. This paper, therefore, argues that Ahiqar’s role in the tale itself as the one “upon whom all of the troop of Assyria (relied)” speaks to its pedagogical function among the Aramaic-speaking population in Persian-controlled Egypt, namely the Judean “troop” in Elephantine.
Seth A. Bledsoe is Humanities Initiative Fellow at the IAS CEU. He researches Jewish and Christian literature in the Ancient Mediterranean world, with a particular focus on wisdom and narrative traditions. In 2015 he completed his PhD in Religion at the Florida State University, with a dissertation titled, “Wisdom in Distress: A Literary and Theological Approach to the Aramaic Book of Ahiqar.” His research on Ahiqar and Jewish wisdom has led to several publications including an article in the Journal of Biblical Literature as well as a forthcoming monograph to be published by Brill (expected late 2017). He has received research grants from institutions such as the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), and he has held teaching positions at universities in the United States, Germany, and Hungary.
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2017. április 28. (10:00-11:30, F/218)
David Jorgensen (CEU Institute of Advanced Studies)
Early Readers of the Gospel of Matthew: Ptolemy the "Gnostic" and his Epistle to Flora
One of the most interesting instances of early Christian exegesis of the Gospel of Matthew is found in a text written by an important “heretic” of the second century: the Epistle to Flora by Ptolemy the “Gnostic.” In this didactic letter, the Christian teacher Ptolemy combines some ideas taken from the Apostle Paul with extensive exegesis of various passages from the Gospel of Matthew, and argues for a sophisticated explanation of the origins of the Law (Torah) of Moses: not all of this Law is, in fact, divinely inspired, and the part that is “divine” derives from the lower, creator god – the “demiurge” (demiurgos) – rather than the higher, ungenerated Father of All. Although this didactic letter was apparently written to an actual student of Ptolemy’s named Flora, like many other such letters from antiquity it was nonetheless also distributed to a broader audience, and was perhaps even originally written with publication in mind.
This lecture will demonstrate how close study of this text illuminates numerous aspects of late antiquity as well as raises numerous questions in those areas, including: the early reception of apostolic texts such as the letters of Paul and the Gospel of Matthew; early attempts to reconcile Paul’s and Matthew’s conflicting attitudes towards the Jewish Law; early debates about orthodoxy and heresy (including “Gnostics,” “Valentinians,” and “Marcionites”); the so-called “Parting of the Ways” between Christianity and Judaism; the influence of Greco-Roman philosophy and rhetoric in the shaping of early Christianity; and gender and power relations in ancient Rome.
David Jorgensen, an historian of ancient Christianity and Judaism, is a Junior Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study at Central European University. His dissertation (2014, Princeton University) won the Society of Biblical Literature – De Gruyter Prize for Biblical Studies and Reception History, and was published in revised form as Treasure Hidden in a Field: Early Christian Reception of the Gospel of Matthew (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016).
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